Journalism, Power Dynamics and Governance
- Digital platforms- challenges for content production and regulatory power
- Platformed Journalism
- Journalistic Norms and Values
- Media Systems and Dynamics
Google, Facebook, Twitter as well as mobile applications like apple news are taking an ever more important stance in the production and distribution of (news) contents. These digital platforms increasingly influence when, how and where citizens receive, share and discuss contents. Enterprises before mainly engaged into technological developments are now critical for the distribution of contents across borders and increasingly overtake a role as gatekeeper. Digital Platforms thus function as game changer as they enter new markets in the content industries. Looking at different national contexts, I am trying to understand what the rise of digital platforms means for content selection, production and what are related policy processes and challenges.

Amplified Media and Communication Governance
- Cross- Border Interactions, Policy Transfers and Power Dynamics
- Media Policy as Discourse
- National vs International Dynamics in Media and Communication Policy-Making
- Media Reform Processes, particularly in the MERCOSUR
- MERCOSUR – EU Dynamics
- Methodological Development (i.e. Geographical Rooting, Elite Interviewing)
Since my undergraduate studies in Germany, I have developed an interest into researching media and communication policy processes in the Mercosur region. In my PhD work, I looked at how global, regional and international developments are integrated into local conceptualizations in the Mercosur region. Therefore, I studied how media (policy) elites in the region understand and problematize media and digital policy issues. In the work, it is outlined how the interplay of local, supranational, international and global settings shapes the reconfigurations of audiovisual spaces in the region. Audio-visual spaces, with their cultural, political and economic properties, are subject to renegotiation in times of digitalization. My doctoral work benefited greatly from the Marietta Blau – Scholarship of the Austrian Ministry of Research and Science and the OeAD. Also, during the research process I benefited from the exchange with my dear colleagues from the Universidade de Brasilía (Brazil) , Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Universidad de Quilmes (Argentina).
Academic Cosmopolitanism
- Invisible Scholarship
- Scholarly Practices and Epistemic Transformation
- Scholarly Dialogue
Based on my own trajectory as a researcher and conversations with colleagues around the world, I am interested in understanding challenges, merits and approaches of and to academic cosmopolitanism. In this context, I am interested in questions such as: How can communication studies make use of the diversity of theories and empirical results from around the globe? Why are academics from outside the US and Europe under-represented in academic journals in terms of citations and in terms of publications? How can we get easier access to scholarly work from colleagues from around the globe, make them accessible to our students? What are structural and professional reasons for these gaps and why would it be beneficial for communication studies to overcome the imbalances to enhance the goal of knowledge-making? This includes a dialogue oriented approach towards conceptual development and the aiming at including and discussing scholars from around the globe – and particularly from the Global South in my scholarly work.

Sehl, A. & Ganter, S.A. (Forthcoming). Journalismus und Plattformisierung. In: Thomas Hanitzsch, Wiebke Loosen & Annika Sehl (Hrsg.). Handbuch Journalismusforschung.
Ganter, S.A. & Löblich, M. (Forthcoming). Discursive Institutionalism. In: Manuel Puppis, Robin Mansell & Hilde Van den Bulck (Eds.) Handbook of Media and Communication Governance.
Ganter, S.A. (Forthcoming). Working in Several Languages as a Media and Communication Scholar: The Need to Reframe Multilingualism as a Political Act. In: Max Haller, Dimitri Prandner & Alice Vadot (Hrsg). Mehrsprachigkeit in der Wissenschaft. Zur Relevanz und Prävalenz von Mehrsprachigkeit bei ForscherInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen. [Multilingualism in the Academy. Thoughts on the relevance and prevalence of multilingualism in researchers and scientists.]
Ganter, S.A. & Oliveira Paulino, F. (2023). Between Attack and Resilience: The Ongoing Institutionalization of Independent Digital Journalism in Brazil. In: Eugenia Mitchelstein & Pablo Boczkowski (Eds.). Digital Journalism in Latin America.
Nielsen, R. K. & Ganter, S.A. (2022). The Power of Platforms: Shaping Media and Society.
Ganter, S.A. (2022). Governance of News Aggregators’ Practices across Five Emblematic Cases: Policy Regimes between Normative Acceptance and Resistance.
Hanan, B., & Ganter, S.A. (Eds.) (2021). Towards Cosmopolitan Media and Communication Studies: Bringing diverse epistemic perspectives into the field.
Ganter, S.A. & Löblich, M. (2021).Discursive Media Institutionalism: Assessing Vivien A. Schmidt’s Framework and Its Value for Media and Communication Studies.
Ganter, S.A. & Oliveira Paulino, F. (2020). “Between Attack and Resilience: The Ongoing Institutionalization of Independent Digital Journalism in Brazil.”
Carpentier, N., Ganter, S.A., Ortega, F. & Torrico Villanueva, E. (2020). “A debate on post-colonialism and de-coloniality: Latin American and European perspectives on change and hope.” In: Miguel Vicente Mariño, Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Leonardo Custodio (Eds.) Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. Madrid: Media XXI.
Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. Madrid: Media XXI.
Ganter, S. A. & Ortega, F. (2020). “Postcolonial Currents in European Communication Studies. A Critical Review.” In: Miguel Vicente Mariño, Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Leonardo Custodio (Eds.)
Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. Madrid: Media XXI.
Ganter, S.A. (March, 25th , 2020). ‘Speeding up on the information highway: Canada’s drive towards 5G is not designed for its citizens.’ Op-ed for Policy Briefing on Artificial Intelligence & 5G published by
Ganter, S.A. (March, 9th, 2020). “Academic cosmopolitanism on the conference circuit: Reaching beyond the comfort zone”.
Ganter, S.A. (2019). “Buch Rezension von ‘Communication. A post-discipline’ Silvio Waisbord, Polity, 2019”.
Ganter, S.A. & Ortega, F. (2019). “The Invisibility of Latin American Scholarship in European Media and Communication Studies: Challenges and Opportunities of De-Westernization and Academic Cosmopolitanism.”
International Journal of Communication, 13(2019), 68-91.
Ganter, S.A. (2018). “International development aid beyond money: The push and pull of media democracy promotion in three MERCOSUR countries.” [Apoyo internacional al desarrollo más allá del dinero: El tira y afloje de la promoción de desarrollo mediática en tres países del Mercosur/Apoio internacional para o desenvolvimiento mais além do dinheiro: O tira e afrouxa da promoção da democracia na mídia de tres países do Mercosul].
Journal of Latin American Communication Research [ALAIC], 6(1-2), 116-134.
Nielsen, R.K. & Ganter, S.A. (2018). “Dealing with digital intermediaries: A case study of the relations between publishers and platforms.”
New Media & Society. 20(4), pp. 1600-1617. DOI: 10.1177/1461444817701318.
Ganter, S. A. & Sehl, A. (2017). “Austria: Financing and transparency in the case of the ORF. Strong structures, several controversies and a little flexibility”, Christian, Herzog, Leonard Novy, Orkan Torun, and Heiko Hilker. Transparency and Financing in Public Service Broadcasting.
Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Ganter, S.A. (2017). “Perception and Articulation of own Cultural Otherness in Elite Interview Situations: Challenge or Repertoire?”
Ganter, S.A. (2016). “Audio-visual media policy and the (re)configuration of audio-visual spaces in the Mercosur : amplified governance, geographies and sovereignty.”
University of Vienna. (doctoral thesis).
Ganter, S.A. & Maurer, P. (2015). “Von der Medien- zur Netzpolitik? Eine Analyse des Leistungsschutzrechts für Presseverlage in Deutschland.” [From media policy to internet policy? An analysis of the ancillary copyright for press publishers in Germany.] In: Emmer, Martin/Strippel, Christian (Hrsg.): Kommunikationspolitik und Medienregulierung in der digitalen Gesellschaft.
Reihe Digital Communication Research (pp.259-281). doi:10.17174/dcr.v1.12.
Hummel, R., Dorer, J., Ganter, S.A., Götzenbrucker, G. & Prandner, D. (2015). “Vienna: CEE-Base in Transition. Foreign Correspondents in Austria.” In: Terzis, G. (Ed.), Mapping Foreign Correspondence in European Countries (pp. 7-18).
London: Routledge.
Maurer, P. & Ganter, S.A. (10.12.2014). “Analyse: So kam es zum Leistungsschutzrecht: Kontroversen um Werte und Bildung neuer Akteurskoalitionen.” Abrufbar unter:
Sarikakis, K. & Ganter, S.A. (2014). “Priorities in global media policy transfer: Audiovisual and digital policy mutations in the EU, MERCOSUR and the U.S. triangle.”
European Journal of Communication 29(1), 17-33. doi: 10.1177/0267323113509360.
Ganter, S.A. (2013). “International Entanglements in Communication and Media Governance: Exploring the Policy Transfer Approach”, in: Löblich, M. and Pfaff-Rüdiger, S. (Eds.). Communication and Media Policy in the Era of Digitization and the Internet.
NOMOS, Center on Governance, Communication, Public Policy and Law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, 29-43.
Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., Sarikakis, K., Ganter, S.A. & Tsapogas, D. (2013) ‘Gobernanza de Internet y Libertad de Expresión en Europa: estado de la cuestión’, in: Corredoira, L. & Cotino, L. (Eds.), Libertad de expresión e información en Internet. Amenazas y protección de los derechos personales.
Centro Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Ministerio de la Presidencia. Madrid.
Sarikakis, K. & Ganter, S.A. (2012). “Governance and technologies of surveillance: revisiting the gendered divide.”
In: Medien Journal. Heft 2, Jg. 36, 2012.
Ganter. S.A. (2012). “Bookreview: The Digital Public Sphere. Challenges for Media Policy.” Gripsrud, Jostein & Moe, Hallvard (Eds.), 2010. Goeteborg: Nordicom.