Public Engagement
Ganter, S.A., March 12th, 2021, Opinion: Google and Facebook’s ‘divide-and-rule’ strategy will hurt publishers and the public.
September 5th, 2020. Interview about Australia’s approach to regulating Google’s and Facebook’s use of news contents.
August 7th, 2020, Interview for a piece by Camille Elemia, looking at the ongoing debates about the current attempts from governments around the world to regulate Google’s and Facebook’s use of news contents. ‘Governments force Google, Facebook to pay for news. Can they win vs big tech?’
June 25th 2020, interview for a piece by Barbara Shector. looking at Google’s new partnership program with some select publishers. ‘Google to pay some publishers for news content amid tensions with industry.’
Ganter, S.A. March, 25th, 2020, ‘Speeding up on the Information Highway. Canada’s Drive towards 5G is not Designed for its Citizens.’ Op-ed for Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence & 5G published by The Hill Times.
Redeye 100.5FM Vancouver, February 15th, 2020, ‘Canada takes a long-overdue look at laws governing telecommunications’ 15 minutes Interview. Podcast available here.
City News Vancouver, September, 10th, 2019, Interview for the 6pm News about the relevance of op- eds.
City News Vancouver
2018 How did we even get there? Platform logics and common misunderstandings about “social media”. Speaker at City Conversations event “Not so Social Media” organized by SFU Public Square, 19.07.2018. Vancouver.
SFU Public Square
Maurer, P. & Ganter, S.A. 2014, So kam es zum Leistungsschutzrecht: Kontroversen um Werte und Bildung neuer Akteurskoalitionen. [This is how the ancillary copyright for press publishers succeeded: Controversies around values and formation of new coalitions.]