Dr. Sarah Ganter
I am excited about researching media and digital (policy) transformations and their embedding into socio-cultural, economic and political, as well as everyday – life settings. My work is influenced by a cosmopolitan approach to academic work, integrating scholarly work from different cultural, linguistic and geographical academic settings. Since my time as student in Germany and Argentina, during conducting my MA at the University of Leeds and my doctoral studies at the University of Vienna, I have been working specifically on media and communication policy processes in the Mercosur region.
I am analyzing media and digital policy transformations from a theoretical perspective which particularly focuses on dynamics and interactions shaping institutional fields. I understand media and communication policy studies as a way to study and grasp society as a whole better. Additionally, departing from my work with my students in Vienna and in Vancouver, I am developing a realm of work which studies how citizens understand and respond to media and digital policy issues in their everyday life. Analyzing media and digital policy processes and the underlying principles, values, ideas and perceptions is at the core of my research.
In the course of my work, I have worked also on methodological development. I am interested in analyzing policy documents as artifacts of media and digital policy processes. I am particularly interested in studying documents as artifacts of cross-border interactions. In that context I have developed the “geographical rooting” of documents, an analytical approach to trace and analyze border-crossing intertextuality in policy documents. That way, media policy principles promoted for some while by international media policy actors like the EU, UNESCO, ITU, OAS are traced analytically. Through methodological triangulation it is shown how and why different “discourse coalitions” (Hajer, 1993) integrate and interpret media policy principles into different contexts.

Ganter, S.A. & Löblich, M. (2021).
“Discursive Media Institutionalism: Assessing Vivien A. Schmidt’s Framework and Its Value for Media and Communication Studies.”