If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at Simon Fraser University in the fields of communication and cultural policy, platform governance, journalism cultures, media structures or de-westernization of media and communication studies please contact me at sganter@sfu.ca.
At the moment, I am specifically interested in working with candidates (MA and PhD) in the following thematic areas:
- platform policy discourses (see e.g. this and this article and ongoing work from my SSHRC grant)
- platformed journalism and counter power initiatives (see my e.g. my book)
- independent journalism and ‘positive dependence’ (see e.g. my article)
- cultural industries in acute crisis and digital acceleration (see e.g. forthcoming work)
- academic cosmopolitanism and epistemic transformation (see several of my articles and book chapters and my new book)
Read here for more information on the application process and graduate studies in the School of Communication at the SFU. Whilst I can voice support for a candidate (and I am happy to do so if it’s a good fit and the candidate has a strong profile!) candidates are ultimately selected by a committee at school level.