Global Perspectives in Communication & Cultural Governance
Global Perspectives in Communication & Cultural Governance
Dr. Sarah Ganter
My name is Sarah Anne Ganter. I am an Associate Professor at the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. I am also a Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, where I worked as research fellow. Before that I worked as Junior Researcher at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna, Austria, where I also successfully accomplished my Phd studies in Communication and Journalism (2017). Born and rooted in Southern Germany, I have spent several years studying, working and conducting research in South America, Austria and the UK. Like myself, my research is shaped by transnational currents.
I am excited about researching media and digital (policy) transformations and their embedding into socio-cultural, economic and political, as well as everyday – life settings. My work is influenced by a cosmopolitan approach to academic work, integrating scholarly work from different cultural, linguistic and geographical academic settings.

Call for applications: Trans-Atlantic Partnership Fellow (PhD student position) at SFU, School of Communication
This is a unique opportunity for an emerging scholar with a Master’s degree and interest in doing their PhD in the area of independent journalisms,
New Publication: “Young adults’ perceptions of entertainment consumption in their everyday lives during the COVID-19 pandemic: Negotiating versatility, emotions, and agency in times of limited choice”
This article has been recently accepted and was published by Media, Culture & Society. Thanks to the editors and the reviewers who evaluated the manuscript.
Our team received a Trans-Atlantic Partnership Grant to study independent journalisms!
Our team snatched one of 18 transatlantic partnership grants in the Democracy – Governance- and Trust call for our project “An Exploration of Independent Journalism’s
Chapter in the Handbook of Media and Communication Governance
Together with Maria Löblich (FU Berlin), we wrote a chapter for the theorizing governance section in the Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. The handbook
Keynote at FAIRDIENSTE (Fair Services) Conference at the ITeG in KASSEL
The ITeG (Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung) at the Universität Kassel invited me to give a keynote at the FAIRDIENSTE (Pricing-Design-Cultivation) Conference. The ITeG organized the
Second Review of “Media Governance: A Cosmopolitan Critique”
Prof. Dr. Ana Bizberge (Universidad de San Martin and UBA) reviewed our edited volume “Media Governance: A Cosmopolitan Critique” for the Global Media Journal (German
CFP Special Issue: Unfolding Disentanglements from Platform Power in Journalism
Please consider submitting to our CFP for a special issue on unfolding disentanglements from platform power in journalism for Digital Journalism. Guest edited by myself,
To close the year, I received an unexpected award: The SFU Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology gives out Excellence Awards at the end of
Requirements for letters of recommendation
Many students are looking for faculty members to provide them with a letter of recommendation, either for a job – a scholarship – or a
Joining editorial and advisory boards
I am excited to have been invited to join the advisory board of the Global Media Journal- the German Edition (edited by Carola Richter and
Video: IAMCR 2023 Global Media Policy Panel Contribution
Claudia Padovani and the Global Media Policy Working Group organized a panel at the IAMCR 2023 in Lyon where editors of the IAMCR/Palgrave Macmillan Book
What ‘s an Associate Professor at SFU?
Recently, I received the excellent news that I have received tenure and will be promoted to associate professor starting september 1st! For those interested, I
First Review of Media Governance: A Cosmopolitan Critique in the Journal of Digital Media & Policy
Benjamin J. Birkinbine (University of Nevada, Reno) reviewed our edited volume Media Governance: A Cosmopolitan Critique for the Journal of Digital Media & Policy. Honored
Cultural Industries in Acute Crisis Website Online!
Thanks to my work-study students Kimia Nafar and Halima Moola, the website for the research coming out of the cultural industries in acute crisis project
Spring 2023 Colloquium Research Group
Three work-study and three graduate students presented on the work they have been doing the past months. Some of them working on their theses, others
Most Recent
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